Special Issue on Application of Artificial Intelligence in Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
The deployment of smart technologies in the communication layer brings new challenges for online monitoring and control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). In addition to the failure of physical infrastructure, CPS is sensitive to cyber attacks on its communication layer. There are many discussions about the role of security-aware design and analysis in the development of modern CPS, such as the smart grid using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), and machine learning techniques. Rapid advancement in AI technology enhances the scale, speed, and accuracy of the security in CPS. AI has the potential to be leveraged in different aspects of cybersecurity, cyber threat detection, and cyber threat intelligence.
This special section will focus on the cutting edge, from both academia and industry, with a particular emphasis on novel practical and theoretical solutions for securing critical infrastructure and CPS using AI-based tools, techniques and procedures. The goal is to provide a sampling of recent advances and ideas on the progress of research and the practical usage of AI technologies in addressing the security of the CPS.
Topics of interest include:
Applications of intelligent data analytics in CPS
Cyber investigation and threat intelligence utilizing AI solutions
Applications of blockchain and smart contracts in securing CPS
Threat intelligence techniques for cyber-attack detection, and reaction in CPS
Application of AI in vulnerability and risk analysis for CPS
AI-based security tools, techniques and procedures for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Intelligent analysis of different types of data collected from different layers of CPS
Intelligent access control and key management for CPS
Application of AI in CPS system security and privacy modelling and simulation
Intelligent AI-based control strategies to improve CPS performance
Design, optimization and data-driven modelling of CPS
Novel sensor placement methodologies for CPS
AI-assisted digital investigation in CPS
Cyber threat hunting and anomaly detection in CPS
Submission of manuscripts:
Research articles must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles will
be peer-reviewed and accepted based on writing quality, originality, novelty, and relevance to the theme of the
special section. Before submission, authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines,
which is available at
Authors should submit their papers through the journal's web submission tool at
https://www.evise.com/profile/#/COMPELECENG/login by selecting “SI-aicps” from the “Issues” pull-down menu during the submission process. For additional questions please contact the guest editors.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 1 Feb 2020
Authors’ notification: 15 Apr 2020
Revisions due: 15 Jun 2020
Final decision: 15 Aug 2020
Camera ready version due: 30 Sept 2020
Tentative publication date: late 2020
Note: The decision on paper acceptance will be made as a cluster, not by individual papers, according to the above schedule.
Guest Editors:
Raymond Choo, University of Texas at San Antonio, US (raymond.choo@utsa.edu)
Ali Dehghantanha, University of Guelph, CA (adehghan@uoguelph.ca) (Main Guest Editor)
Hadis Karimipour, University of Guelph, CA (hkarimi@uoguelph.ca)