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Springer Book: ​Security of Cyber-Physical System: Vulnerability and Impact

Cyber-physical Systems (CPSs) have become an emerging paradigm for controlling and managing the ever-growing number of cyber-connected devices. A CPS is known as the new generation of mix systems consisting of computational and physical capabilities. CPSs are subject to security threats that exploit their increased complexity and connectivity to critical infrastructure systems. They suffer from, not only the attacks targeting today’s networked systems, but also new ones such as a sensitive device e.g., a controller of a power plant can be manipulated to launch various attacks such as the device state inference attack, leading to system instability. Therefore, any effort towards securing the emerging CPSs and protecting their data privacy is of paramount importance.
Nowadays, the duty of a cyber security specialist is to detect, analyse and defend against many cyber threats in almost real-time conditions. Without employment of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, dealing with a huge number of attacks in a timely manner is not possible. Intelligent, big-data analytical techniques are necessary to mine, interpret and extract knowledge of data when there is a significant amount collected from or generated by different security monitoring solutions. The developing field of cyber threat intelligence is investigating the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to perceive, reason, learn and act intelligently against advanced cyber-attacks.
To inform current CPS engineers and the future CPS players, materials summarizing the state-of-the-art techniques and possible challenges in CPS security are required. This handbook focusses on cutting-edge research from both the academia and industry, with an emphasis on the scientific foundations and engineering techniques for securing critical CPS and their underlying computing and communicating systems. Utility networks, transportation systems, and wireless communication and sensor networks are examples of such infrastructures. Providing a fundamental and theoretical background with a clear, comprehensive overview of security issues in CPS is useful for students in the fields of information technology, computer science/engineering, or electrical engineering. Specifically, this book welcomes two categories of papers: (1) invited articles from qualified experts; and (2) contributed papers from open call with a list of addressed topics. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:


  • Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in cyber security of CPS

  • Threat intelligence techniques for detecting, and reacting against cyber-attacks in CPS

  • Intelligent event monitoring and situation awareness in CPS

  • Intelligent analysis of different types of data collected from different layers of networks in CPS

  • Interpretation of cyber threats in CPS utilising intelligent data analysis techniques

  • Adaptive attack mitigation and threat modelling for CPS

  • Consequence and sensitivity analysis against cyber-attacks in CPS  

​Each paper submitted will be reviewed by editors and independent experts based on the relevance to the topics of the book and its usefulness for wider range of audience Research novelty (e.g. new techniques) and potential impact Readability. All chapter should follow the Springer manuscript format as follows:

Estimated manuscript completion date: 
●    Submission deadline: 1 Aug 2019
●    Authors’ notification: 1 Oct. 2019
●    Camera ready version due: 31 Dec. 2019
●    Tentative publication date: Feb. 2019

For more information please contact Dr. Hadis Karimipour (


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